Looking for Inspiration
Well here it is my long awaited vacation and am I finishing that story? Revising my 2nd Art-World novel? Story-boarding ideas? Nope. What I did after coming back from my weekend Mexican cruise with my Mom & daughter was start cleaning. I scrubbed the floors, wiped down the tables, waxed the furniture, hosed out the chicken water and bird bath as well as did yet another load of laundry.
What was holding me back?
This new story is giving me trouble. I started it 3 weeks ago with a germ of an idea but this ain't a disease that is spreading throughout my body. Oh no. Instead it's like I have disinfectant stopping every bacterial inspiration from spreading.
That disinfectant is called But what about. But what about her troublesome back story? I don't have it yet. But what about the artificial gravity? I don't have enough technological expertise to make it sound plausible. But what about her consequences for falling short of her training numbers? Where will it lead. What about? What about?
All these what abouts have me wrapped in a sterile bottle killing every idea.
What was holding me back?
This new story is giving me trouble. I started it 3 weeks ago with a germ of an idea but this ain't a disease that is spreading throughout my body. Oh no. Instead it's like I have disinfectant stopping every bacterial inspiration from spreading.
That disinfectant is called But what about. But what about her troublesome back story? I don't have it yet. But what about the artificial gravity? I don't have enough technological expertise to make it sound plausible. But what about her consequences for falling short of her training numbers? Where will it lead. What about? What about?
All these what abouts have me wrapped in a sterile bottle killing every idea.