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Kritique Kritics: July 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

They Said Yes!

The Willows Magazine is going to print my poem, "Blazing Ice!" Editor Ben Thomas said, "We'd be delighted to take this one for an upcoming issue! Please fill out the attached contract and mail a copy to us:"

Wow. I feel like it's my birthday.

I love the name Ben. Thomas is pretty nice too. But put Editor in front of it and add a yes and my heart just skips a beat.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm headed for the SCBWI Conference in LA next week!

Here's a quote from the SCBWI website:
Join us poolside on Saturday night from 7:30-10:30pm for a nighttime festival of all things red! Come in crimson any way you know how and enjoy the music, food and cocktails with SCBWI Conference attendees from all over the world. Get creative with your costume! Prizes will be awarded for the red-est.

What do those words mean? They mean, among other things I CAN HARDLY WAIT:

  1. I'm packed more than a week early
  2. I have everything I've written in the last four years in a new binder
  3. I have new business cards and bookmarks for the blog site
  4. I have a NERVOUS STOMACH for whatever I might have missed

I don't have a thing to wear! Should I wear a RED mask or hat. Do I need a RED boa or a RED feather?

Laurie's ready to change her phone number; I keep calling with questions about our RED costumes. I’m forgetting she has a life of her own (family) and just got a poem published; not to mention she’s getting ready to go to the conference, too.

Wish me luck!


Sunday, July 13, 2008


I've been thinking of the old adage that one can only become a writer after years of experience. That only the wisdom that comes with age will be sufficient to create works of meaning.
And you know what I think?
But not to say that experience is unimportant.
Our memories are what make us uniquely ourselves. Whether we are a teenager or a senior citizen, each is so individual that it is impossible to duplicate. Experience is what defines us. That's why I'm a firm believer in creating as diverse and as interesting of experiences as possible. Through classes. The gym. Or pushing myself outside my comfort zone. But mostly travel.
So far in 2008 I've had the privilege of climbing the ruins of Machu Picchu, cruising to Mexico with my Mom and daughter, and most recently escaping with friends to Las Vegas.
And although each trip differed greatly they all shared one thing: my journal was in hand throughout, recording the experience.
And you know what? With every scratch of that pen I AM a writer.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Let Your Soul Dance

I saw this video today, and it inspired me to tears. As a writer, I feel my dreams locked up inside my heart--and the work of my daily life is to set them free.

This video opened up my heart a little more, shook out the dust of disbelief and inertia, and made me realize anew that I have something beautiful inside myself. And I can set it free.

The same is true for you.

You can do anything you imagine.

You can go wherever you dream.

You may start out by yourself, but you will inspire others along the way.

Live fully. Live now.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.


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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Update on the "Foal"

I haven’t been riding much since I fell off my horse, Finn, and dislocated my shoulder last December. I haven’t been to the barn in the last month; I been in physical therapy twice a week for my injury.
I do have a new picture of the foal. In addition, I think I had better start calling her the filly, because she is a little girl and a very sweet one. My sister suggested I call the photo “the kiss” and that I use the photo on my new business cards. More on my new “writer’s” business cards later, they’re still in the design stage.

Debra Davis Hinkle

Update on "Bird Nesting Season"

The babysitting routine worked great--we cared for Lynaia’s birds and she watched ours.

Lynaia’s birds had already hatched about two weeks before our eggs were laid so I was unable to get a picture of her birds before they “flew the coup,” as the say. But, all five of our little birds posed for their last portrait before going off to college (summer school?).

Debra's Baby Birds